News from the brewing-industry
An introduction to the only brewery which has been left in my
home town Münster, Pinkus Müller, is shown here. The brewery now is online: Click here to watch their
Awarded beers from the brewery APU in
Ulaanbaatar/Mongolia. Watch the latest
beer labels from APU.

The "jewel" among Mongolian beers, Khan Bräu from Ulaanbaatar, is
online. Please have a look at their current beerlabel and coaster.
Please click here to view their webpage:
Please have a look at the websites of "Companía Cervecera de
Nicaragua" and have a look at their current beerlabel.
The company "Brauhaase
Management GmbH" which has its headquarters in Hamburg/Germany,
plans and supports breweries all over the world.
Farsons Cisk Ltd. is a traditional brewer of fine beers and
ales in Malta.
Have a look at their newest beer
is a really nice old town situated in Austria. The Brewery Kapsreiter is now
online. The actual beerlabels are shown if you click here.